It is true that we all - in a hypnotic trance

That day, no inspiration,
It was as if someone placed a ban.
It is true that we all - in a hypnotic trance,
Each in his way. On the trail
Life, throwing up clouds of smoke,
Rush, reaping the fruits of thought.

Am drawn to the sun, autumn,
I want to feel like spring,
Thoughts warm velvet shroud,
In the silver filaments Dreams confused
Between the third and the tenth dimension
Stay with your intention
Get the Freedom and Inspiration

Bison Higgs will create friction
In the Large Hadron Collider
Energy will take part in the tender
The best way out of the trance
And the performance space romance

And then, as if someone had put a ban -
Inspiration is not that day.

15.11.10. 13 chairs.
