Friend, if you ve caught a hog of hedge

Friend, if you’ve caught a hog of hedge,

Remember - that’s the cutting edge:


To cook a hedgehog won’t be easy –

It spreads infections and diseases


To guard you from contamination

I’m giving this recommendation:


At first, to make your hedgehog clean,

Wash every spike with gasoline


Sit down and wait until it dries,

Then catch and kill all fleas and lice


(Exert yourself to reach perfection)

Next, give him a morphine injection


While hedgehog sleeps by means of drug

Go to the woods and find a slug


And stuff it in with stick or knife

(The hedgehog should remain alive)


 Now eat – there is no time to waste!

Use spices to improve the taste


And if you would survive all that -

The same’s worth trying with a cat

Аппетит отбивает капитально.)))
.. ~.¸ | / ¸~
~ ~ (ړײ) ~ ~
. ~´ / \~ `~

С :о) Алора

Алора   18.11.2011 15:04     Заявить о нарушении
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