I m Fear!

Without me you can’t exist!
I’m too long now in your heart!
You can banish me in mist
But not whole me, and only part!
And even if you very brave
You, anyway, will be my slave!

I’m fear!(I'm fear)* I’m horror!
That eating you from  your inside!
I’m imp!(I'm imp!) I’m nightmare!
From that you have no chance to hide!
(All human beeings, that I've seen
They soul were spoiled by toxin!!!)

I’m owning human mind
And for me you’ll be slave forever!
I won’t let that I aquired
I need all things, That I can gather!
At first I’ll grow the roots in your heart
And after that, from your inside,
I’ll eat up all your mind!
Destroing this way your willpower!

I’m fear!(I'm fear) I’m horror!
That eating you from  your inside!
I’m imp!(I'm imp!) I’m nightmare!
From that you have no chance to hide!
(All human beeings, that I've seen
They soul were spoiled by toxin!!!)

I was! I’m! I’ll be forever!
All my victIms won’t be forgiven!
I'll have them more, that I've got ever!
Dont cry and suffer pain!
Don’t cover under mothers apparel!
(You let my being in your mind…
You was weak from the birth
And you'll be same untill you die!)
Tell “Thank’s!” to your Fate!!!

I’m fear!(I'm fear) I’m horror!
That eating you from  your inside!
I’m imp!(I'm imp!) I’m nightmare!
From that you have no chance to hide!
(All human beeings, that I've seen
They soul were spoiled by toxin!!!)
I’m fear!(I'm fear) I’m horror!
That eating you from  your inside!
I’m imp!(I'm imp!) I’m nightmare!
From that you have no chance to hide!
(All human beeings, that I've seen
They soul were spoiled by toxin!!!)

*(...) - слова, заключённые в скобки, следует читать шёпотом. В припеве же, они являют собой нечто, вроде эхо.
