Words can fly

I keep on thinking about a place
Where I wanna go
And stay for good.
I keep on hearing that magic space,
Oh, if I could, if I only could.

Rf.: It’s a country where
     Light comes just
     from people’s words.
     They fly in the sky
     Right like the birds.

     Even when it rains,
     Even when so dark
     Is the sky,
     Nobody is alone,
     When the words can fly.

It’s been so long that I dream
To catch the sun
And to follow its beam.
And even you, my dear,
don’t know how to find
The country where
The words can fly.


But I’m so stubborn you know
I don’t give up,
I don’t care for the show.
I keep on singing
And look in the sky.
And one day you see
My words fly.

Слово - не воробей. Вылетит - не поймаешь!

Михаил Солдатов   05.12.2010 23:46     Заявить о нарушении
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