Open the entrance to the angel s soul,

Not going to calm down
Hysteria and repent
That supposedly had something wrong,
Pity and whining - ego whale,
With this it and leave,
And he'll fly

There, where the sunny,
A fun and festive.
Smiling enigmatically
Their future
Hi coming -
That's what I now wonder
Him I thought his address,
Paintings paints thoughts draw,
Photons hypnotize,

Open the entrance to the angel's soul,
Assume that comes obediently,
And remained
Thoughts flow,
In my Inspiration
Along with the angel stays.

I know that Mohammed ascended into heaven,
Prophet ever stayed
Recognizing the Christ and Michael,
Apostles and Gabriel.

Peace to all, the heart of believers,
Life the universe giving.
'll Be there again there?
All - of the word.

And only will focus
Retention rate goal
Lead me into the harbor of my dreams.
All bridges were burned,
Which connected with the past,
And a tiny microscope-born
Future, which is hereby!

24.10.10. Hudson
