Red House Blues

Oh, my old red house!
Oh, my old red brick house!
Oh, my wonderful old red brick house!
How many years I had lived there!

Oh, my house always been very big!
Oh, my house always been very big!
Oh, my house always been big and crowded and cold!
And I thought it the best place to be!

Through the windows I saw outside.
Through the windows I saw outside.
Through the windows inside I could see outside.
Through the windows I left my red house.

Listen to Red House Blues, say no words.
Yeah, Red House Blues, say no words.
Listen to Red House Blues, say no words.

Oh, my old red house!
Oh, my old red brick house!
Oh, my wonderful old red brick house!
May be one day I'll come back to you?

Как песня:

Классная песня!
Молодец! Пять баллов!

Никита Андреевич Гладков   02.09.2011 16:38     Заявить о нарушении