Writer s Oath...

Lately I feel very inspired...

As if as I am crawling out of long hybernation, hungry to eat, read, create, while fully greedily inhaling autumn air - saturated with foliage decoy and late night bonfires.

I have trouble defining what is it that I need to create...So as usual I will start with building some sand castles on the desserted  lake beaches, then coping Van Gough's pictures with a $2.99 crayons, baking inedible apple pies, making homemade sushi, planning an escape to Siberia to see my father,  growing home tomatoes, counting calories,  trying knitting scarves,  learning new words, salsa dancing, counting stars, buying discounted World encyclopedias, shooting straight whiskey while reading Gautama Buddha and watching documentaries about crops and floods.

...but once all of it fails, I will give up and end up writing a story about all the attempts...because I live only to write a story.


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