Verse cut Immortality!

Silence cut Universe
Verse cut Immortality.
I rhyme ordinary
Lay inspiration in an envelope.

Yearning for her son and daughter,
I fall on the shoulders of the population,
And could razvyuzhit coachman
And to break out of bounds.

Loop strive obligations
On my neck to hang,
But I can not stand betrayal
And if I were to whistle -

I'll take the Muse's waist.
At Muse - dress in polka dots.
I would catch her in Antalya
Where there are no mosquitoes and midges.

Dive, keep flop
I am in a bottomless sea stihosti.
Daisies in the desert nanyuhayus,
Pleased with his own mettle.

Silence cut Universe
Lay inspiration in an envelope.
I usually rhyme
Verse cut Immortality!
