Переводы с русского

Мне нравятся... Татьяна Крыжановская

I like your pictures - wonderful poet. It's inexplicable, but occasionally pictures say more about a person than words. I look at you
and see how much you enjoy life. Your high status in the society  didn't make you arrogant . Au contraire - you are rather modest
in your attitude. I often notice in your glance a reflection of some calm sea- Those waves tenderly touching the sand - this what
I observe there in your image, which impacts me so much.
Looks like that your favorite color is blue - even though you are not sad. A blue light of serenity. I am almost afraid to approach
your image - I watch in a distance and read your English poems. They connect us like invisible threads. Like a real miracle of
 understanding and feeling at once. I am overcoming my own sadness being affected by this still blue image.
Together we'll become the beauty of life, a melody of hearts. We'll find inspiration and happiness in every moment. Isn't it the
purpose of our existance on Earth? I love your smile - you, courageous and vulnerable, timid and proud.. Sometimes I worry that
I can hurt you ungraciously, however believe me I hear your voice within  always.


That's an interestign piece.
The most intriguing part is where the sadness is tied to the blue image. I wonder how that connection can be expressed in Russian...
Love your work!

Беляева Дина   07.10.2010 16:32     Заявить о нарушении
Дина дорогая, как я рада снова слышать вас – благодарю!
Да, это задача – хотя русские любят голубой-синий именно
потому что склонны к грусти... Ваша Тат М.

Татьяна-Валентина Мамонова   08.10.2010 17:25   Заявить о нарушении