Elusive Time

Elusive Time! This pleasure! Now!
Will have to pass another trial,
Will have to find another source,
Will have to hear another voice.

The time will go on,
We have nothing to make it slow down.
No pleasure to find
What we're missing while running so wild and so blind.

Delusion… what is on my mind?
I need to beat the mortal fright.
Be never old, and never die,
Not wonna stay inside the Hive.
Another dose of TV-lies,
Another kiss, another fight,
She will return as she needs sex,
She fears to die, fears not the less.

The time will run on,
We have nothing to make it slow down.
No pleasure to find
What we're missing while running so wild and so blind.

The time will run on,
We have nothing to make it slow down…


Opacity ... this word has an intriguing combination of sound and meaning. I think it was carreid well in the first stanza.

Беляева Дина   07.10.2010 16:38     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks! In my opinion Opacity - is what our world today is. Dim, dumb, uncertain. We're running wild, we're trying to hold time on, we're trying to find ourselves in accidental sex, shallow relationships, trying to do anything not knowing what to do. Where to go. But the time will run on, we have nothing to stop the moment. And we don't really need it - the answer lies in every heart. All we have to do - is to listen to it.

Илья Корнейчук   08.10.2010 21:47   Заявить о нарушении
Well, it's not the same everywhere. In some parts of the world people are just trying to hold on to their livelihoods. So, probably the best word here is Duplicity. We consciously trick ourselves into believing that somebody's questionable intentions and values are our own. I think as some of us begin to realize how fortunate we really are and start reaching out to those who need help; everything will start falling in its place: the life will take on its meaning, the relationships will become genuine and the self-fulfillment will bring happiness and satisfaction.

Беляева Дина   08.10.2010 22:37   Заявить о нарушении
It's not about some parts of the world, cultures. It's about exact people, masses I would say. Someone is taking it with mother's milk. They're searching, trying to understand. And they do understand. Others just take media products as it is. They drink, smoke, fuck or drown in religion. Another drug. It frustrates, but doesn't contains any answers. Thats why opacity. Duplicity - is what government is, what modern society is. We're not double faced by our own will, we're the same, but there are darker days and lighter days. We're - gears in the machine, but different machines may be build from the same gears

Илья Корнейчук   08.10.2010 23:28   Заявить о нарушении