Wone happy note you set my soul alight

I cannot sleep all night
Who set my soul alight?
This fill I fill never
Its something good or clever
In my world of pain I have fill this never
My world so dark
You don’t see anything outside
You cannot hide
From my demons
But if you have alight
They run away from light
Now my worlds have this sun
Now everybody come
To this light……….
You set  my soul alight
You an angel?
Yes it’s right…
My world come to smile
Nobody here too shy
Here everywhere love
Now I never hared lie…
Flowers are grow
I fill this lovely odor…
Who controls this all?
Lords or?…
You set my soul alight
You my queens wish shining bright
Who set my soul alight…
Why in my world all right?
No demons now outside
Only angels
With lovely light….
You set my soul alight….
(not finished)
