
Remember: I'm a five-year-old girl,
Bare legs, short skirt, rushing after a ball..
I didn't notice a barbwire fence behind a tree..
There is a scar a little above my knee..
I didn't cry first, then I saw the blood,
Then I ran home. It'll never heal! - I thought,
My mommy said - Before my marriage would :)
Couple 'days past, the scar made me so proud!

Some ten years later, forest, fire and night.
Guitar, champagne, a goddamn pretty guy!..
Friends pushing, sniggering, my elbow slightly hit
the campfire, that must have been really hot!
But he was watching me, I swallowed tears and laughed..

When I got twenty, another One with his guitar,
His gentle voice, his ardent eyes, has scarred my heart..
The scar's still bleeding, hot is blood and real..
It gives me strength..I hope it'll NEVER heal..
We got a baby when I was twenty-one,
A year has passed so fast, one year old is my son,
My milk's so sweet. My belly and my humps
Are scarred all over..These are my favorite ones.


Now putting all my life in a little verse
I can't belive - I have so little scars..
Cat's scratching, cooking, fingers pinched in door...
The life is long. I hope I'll get some more...

Май 2010, Приозерный.
