Стихи Андрея Архипкина

На этй странице  я хочу познакомить вас с творчеством Андрея Архипкина,  с которым давно по переписке дружу

My Best Friend Music
Андрей Архипкин

I’ve got so many invitations. I’ve got so many games to play
I gotta make my variations, but I can’t do it in one day
I wanna win my best illusion; I wanna win my sweetest dream
To find a game can maybe help me to get on top of fancy stream.
I’ll put my little cash in it and I will wait for a bigger chance
I know I lose sometimes but maybe
I’ll get the fortune in my hands
I know it sounds more than stupid
I have to make my happy end
By the way, somebody told me:
relax and listen to your friend
Somebody told me
That music loves me
I gotta love music
But I can’t find in it
My music
My queen Music
My music
My best friend Music

So what if I can change my visions, so what If I can change my friends
If I can follow many reasons if I can be somebody else
I gotta play and act straight only and move exactly like they say
Then I hope I’ll forget about who I am one happy day

I’ll put my little project in it and I will wait for bigger chance
I know I lose sometimes but maybe
I’ll get the fortune in my hands
I know it sounds more than stupid
I have  to make my happy end
By the way, somebody told me:
relax and stay with your best friend

Somebody told me
That music loves me
I gotta love music
But I can’t find in it
My music
My queen Music
My music
My best friend Music

I see myself in competition, which only once can give me hope
For been king of pop and fiction, still playing between gain and flop
I don’t believe I’ll stay a loser. I do believe that I can win
I’ll switch my power on and I promise. I’ll show you people what it means.
I’ll put my little talent in it and I will wait for bigger chance
I know I lose sometimes but maybe
I’ll get the fortune in my hands
I know it sounds more than stupid
I have  to make my happy end
By the way, somebody told me:
relax and play with your best friend

Somebody told me
That music loves me
I gotta play music
But I can’t find in it
My music
My queen music
My music
My best friend Music

Когда приходит  музыка, то  слышишь
Как подпевает ей моя  душа.
Люблю покрашеные охрой крыши,
Люблю свои болота и снега,

Но все же сердце через дождь и вьюгу
Услышав позывные добрых  нот,
Невольно рвется с нетепеньем к другу,
И что с ним, с сердцем,  кто там разберет!
