Another Reason

Cause need a reason,
Cause need a spark
To stare dappled horizon,
To try again capricious luck.
To go out and walk through
Hazardous sands of weedy time,
To paint life with love anew,
With burning sun again shine.
With melting fears into drops
Of endurable beckoning soul,
That will catch all grinding odds
And of course,will find home.
And back to my shoulders
I can hear the same "why",
They whisper they can't any longer
Hear others silent hidden cry.

It makes me think. There's so many things that come into my thoughts, and you had wrote about all of this. This is what exactly contains Onegin's mind and life, including mine too.
Strong phrases. Great poetry. Good job.


Анастасия Чижова   19.10.2011 21:12     Заявить о нарушении
Just main target to punch one's mind in such phrases.Thank you for commenting,Nastya.
Best Regards,

Андрей Фишт   19.10.2011 23:33   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.