My smile to you is all enough

You are all smiles.
And my attention belongs to you
In any case.

For million times
I made objection.
My oath in enmity is glazed.

If you’ve got any rivals, sorry!
It won’t be long.
It’s just a lurk.

My routes are all to you.
Just call me.
My arrogance has yet been locked.

So let us hoist the colours friendly!
For surface of  our love is rough.
And if we still are lovers, maybe
My smile to you is all enough…


Your words about "all enough"
Is just bla, bla, I'm sorry.
Impossible to be in love
and not to thirst for "close love".
In any case, it's boring!

Понравилось, с симпатией.

Елена Керчь   10.11.2010 14:15     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо =))) But even if we're close enough
I just can't feel that 'faithful' love =)

Анна Юннис   10.11.2010 14:19   Заявить о нарушении
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