I want to stay

I want to stay -
You sad good-bye,
Don't be afraid
Of being mine!

It's all for love -
My broken heart,
You shouldn't solve
To stay apart.

My dreams have gone,
I can't see stars,
My heart goes on
Just in your arms.

Don't break my heart I want to say
Don't be afraid and stay,
Hey! Baby stop play this game,
Come to my lonely way!

Help me now I fall in hell -
I need your smile,
I need your smell,
I need your voice,
I need your laugh,
Save me
With your holly love!

I think this is a perfect sequel to your poem:

Беляева Дина   10.08.2010 22:51     Заявить о нарушении
thanks, Din

that poem is so sweet

Виктория Сусанина   11.08.2010 11:21   Заявить о нарушении