The Reason

As if I was in sullen dream,
My life has turned away from me.
I came to the abyss’ brim
And stared into the void in glee…
In glee – because I was alone
In dark and gloomy world of mine;
I knew that everything was wrong,
But bent my lips in dreary smile.

I looked around – and saw enough
To stop my trip once and for all:
The dismal Honour being laughed
Out of court by mindless pawns;
The broken Beauty stepped aside
At sight of Ugliness in fame;
The Understanding taking side
Of all the Hostile and the Vain;

I saw the Precious changing names:
From living Spirit to dead stone;
I saw the Bravery enflamed,
Humiliated and dethroned.
The Cowardice was ruling clan,
The cunning serpent-tongues were chiefs,
And in profoundness of its den
Lay monstrous Lie, who enters – grieves.

Imprisoned in the dirty cell
Were Courage, Sympathy and Will;
And wicked prophet would foretell
The glory to the Land of Ill.
I watched enough and set to go,
But suddenly I saw two sparks –
They danced away in tricky show,
And laughed at all with jolly larks.

I recognized them both at once;
My smile grew wider, as I knew –
They’re the seeds of union, at a glance,
And they could bear the Life anew.
I turned away from my abyss,
Now knowing, that the Hope’s gone nay,
And Love is neither – so the peace
Eventually will find its way.

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