Louise Hay
Loving and spiritual Louise L. Hay
Survived life's challenges with pray.
She's gone through many experiences,
While having retained her resilience.
Louise had had her rises and falls,
Although awakening her inner calls.
Louise had frequently been deeply hurt,
Forgave, protecting own soul from dirt.
Ms. Louise Hay is a true inspiration.
She truly deserves a standing ovation,
Sharing love from her soul and heart -
A spiritual piece, state of the art.
For those, who don't know Louise Hay,
Her soul and heart are like a sunny ray.
She had exuded energy with hope and faith,
Teaching us how to lovingly self-embrace.
Louise Hay's birthday is October Eight.
Kindness, humility had been in her fate.
Louise wished everyone harmony, abundance
Deeply from heart with love and fondness!
Copyright©2010 Mila Alper
* Photo is from Internet
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С Уважением, Мила
Мила Альпер 09.10.2011 00:29 Заявить о нарушении