A Sad Daydream

The scent of blooming apple-trees
Fills all the air and sweetly soothes.
Thy world is locked with magic keys
Forevermore. We broke our oaths.
Eternal love of ours is dead,
And never will our souls be one!
For what thou needed to behead
This maid, this fair god-looking nun?

Cronus his power will contend,
Our lives will pass like dreams, like breeze.
What will remain in the end?
The scent of blooming apple-trees.

January, 2015

I am Alexandr Garmash
author of new symbol of Russian Language and new symbol of English Language.

This symbol is turn over exclamation mark - this symbol meanes great (large)
negative emotions.
In old time all emotions ( positive emotions and negative emotions) we meaned fo 1 mark
(1 symbol) - !

I proposal (suggestion) - positive emotions to mean - !

I proposal (suggestion) - negative emotions to mean - turn over exclamation mark ¡
Excuse me, in this time this symbol is not on keyboard.

We must to add new button with new symbol of Russian and English Language on keyboard.
I am Alexandr Garmash
author of New Products (Innovation keyboard with new button with new symbol of Russian Language and new symbol of English Language).


All copyright (really) fo Innovation keyboard with new button with new symbol of Russian Language and new symbol of English Language (turn over exclamation mark) KEEP TO ME.

A producer, who will be first to improve the new keyboard with new symbol by the approach suggested will reap significant strategic competitive edgy (Strategic competitive advantage) at Russian market. I ask you: - who will be buy keyboard English Language without (less, minus) symbol "R" or symbol "Y"? In fact we have this situation now in Russian market. I am Russian writer, I invite (ask) you: - give me new keyboard with all symbol.
If you give me same money ($30 000), I will be includ new symbol of Russian Language in Russian Language more quickly and I give to you this information. If you give me same money ($125 000), I give to you this information and RIGHT about this new symbol, you can will be first on Russian-speaking market of PCs and English - speaking market and I can to be your top manager in Russea fo this business. The target population thus is over 1200 million of people.

I am bigening (to start) to include this new symbol in English Language.

Сей стих сейчас опубликую,
чтоб новый знак в язык ввести,
он в русском долго существует,
пора и в Англию внести..!

Пускай английские поэты
узнают новое чрез это...-

Your blue and biggish merry eyes
my love for you on Sunday rised!!!
To run to market flowers buy
and smile of sky
to me is flying...!!!

I went to meeting place for you,
but I am not looking you..,

I expected you on hour..,
and all masses my flowers.. ¡ (turn over exclamation mark)

And spoil my mood ¡ ¡ ¡ 3*(turn over exclamation mark)
and I am not good ¡ ¡ ¡ 3*(turn over exclamation mark)
*** turn over exclamation mark is new symbol of English Language..,
Contacts of Mr. Alexander Garmash:
postmail adress: post office index 390015, Russia, Ryazan city, Belyakova street, dom 31, kvartira 81
Telephone: +7 920 975 8312 (mob.)
Home telephone (Ryazan, Russia) (4912) 34 92 96

e-mail: leto103@mail.ru

Алекс Рязанский   26.11.2010 17:52     Заявить о нарушении