All her stories

1. The knowledge of something
Inspired one always,
The prayers one never forgot...
One wanted to fly
Straight to heaven,
Wanted to see God.

And during the meeting,
During all lessons,
One harshly thought:
"I'll try to tell Him
Straight to His faces
Something what I've brought".

Chorus (repeat twice)
And one will tell Him all her stories,
And one will tell Him all her lies,
All her troubles, all her worries,
All her dreams, all her trials...

2. One will keep dreaming
Of this holy meeting
Until the special day.
But time is passing fast,
Wings are growing,
Once he will fly away.

And during his first flight
He can forget his
Purpose of flying so high.
And miracle can remain concealed
Between the Earth and the Skies.

one now can tell Him all her stories?
It is
no way to tell Him all her lies,
No way to tell Him all her worries,
All her dreams, and I don't know why
Wanted to tell Him all her stories,
And wanted to tell Him all her lies,
As noone can tell Him all her worries,
What is the reason of flying so high?

But he was aware,
He knew all the story
Observing ones' actions and dreams.
The kindest heart
always share
World's most beautiful things...

Chorus (repeat twice)
And one will tell Him all her stories,
And one will tell Him all her lies,
All her troubles, all her worries,
All her dreams, all her trials...

Манэ Карапетян, Евгения Евпак
