Wait me пер. К. Симонова Жди меня

Wait me, and I’ll be back
Only you should wait
Wait me, even if it’s rain
And you feel so sad
Wait me, even if it’s snow
Wait me if it’s heat
Wait me if they do not wait
Forgotten yesterday
Wait if I won’t send to you
Letters from the war
Wait me if they were bored
Who together wait
Wait me and I’ll be back
And don’t wish them luck
All who know by heart
That you should forget
Even mom and son believe
That I’m not alive
Even friends’ are tired to wait
And sit around the fire
Even they will drink a vine
To make mention me
Wait me and don’t rush to drink
This vine with my friends
Wait me and I’ll be back
To spite all horror deaths
Who didn’t wait me say
It is just a luck
They can’t understand you saved
My life by waiting love
Only we will know about
My surviving in this war
You just could wait me so
As nobody can’t
