God loves me for my deeds

Night after night
Day after day
I show him that I’m his best friend
I’m already proved that I have no fright
That I can’t become for evil the prey
That I’ll help him even on world’s end

God loves me for my deeds
Cause I cut generations
Of the evil seeds
That were planted by the devil
In people’s hearts and souls
I hate and despise all black ravens
Cause they are creatures of demons
Not of god

Madness and distraction grow
In our world
But don’t scare, I came to deliver
You from all these nightmares
I’m the envoy of god
The evil still tempt you
And still try to break your will for good
You shouldn’t give way-
You should keep in the truth
Like a Christ on the rood

God loves me for my deeds
Cause I have no spite
Cause I can’t become bad
Come to me in the night
I will make you strong
And free you from sadness

God loves me for my deeds
And he will love you too
If you have no sins
And keep in heart just truth
