Юлий Ким, Необитаемый остров English

Личная оценка: 4\5


–What if you shortly find yourself
Far offshore, on an island?
How will you likely hold out there,
No cook nor nurse beside you?
– Well, I will look for someone else.
– Would have been great, had there been,
But we’re aware that
This cut off isle is
This cut off isle is
This cut off isle is

– Unpopulated?
–That is, absolutely.

No mattresses, nor pillows by,
And not a single bedstead.
– I can as well sleep in the grass.
– You’ll catch pneumonia that way.
(A fire, a fire, a fire, a fire)
– In this case, I can make a fire…
– But we suggest that
This cut off isle is
This cut off isle is
This cut off isle is

– What! Unpopulated at all, is it?
– That is, absolutely.

No one will offer any aid,
No one will gather firewood,
No one will cook up anything
With no campfire enkindled.
– And I will go and find an axe.
– And  what’ll, then, come about?
Beside a pine, the axe will swing
And hit your leg instead!

Any tips on how to gather nuts? And mushrooms?
– No, I haven’t.
– Fitted, as to outsmart a crocodile?
– No, I’m not.
(Don’t be afraid, we’ll rescue you)
How shall we likely rescue him,
When we suggest that
This cut off isle is unpopulated?

– And I... And I... And I...

And you are sitting on the isle.
It’s warm, and calm, and boring.
You’re lonely, growing thin with
Every hour, day after day.
– But why am I? Why am I?
– Because your problem
Because your problem
Because your problem
Is that you never ever have
Done anything yourself!!!
