Towards the end of the summer...

Towards the end of the summer,
Towards the end of the doubts
You will be looking for someone   
To fight the rest of the world with
And you will be calling me dear
Cause I am the one who could help you
To make all your fears disappear
To bring you the summer again
Summer again

Today it’s frigid and gloomy
And rain’s playing drums on the ledges
I’m sitting alone by the window               
And watching the life of the streets             
It seems like everyone’s rushing
Back home, to work, to the movies.
I’m looking at them so serenely               
I have no reasons to rush
No…reasons to rush 

The colorful leaves on the ground
Reflect the lights of the lanterns
The autumn spreads up all around
And I am about to sing
The blues of the fall in my soul
Awakes me from constant despair 
I’m out for careless stroll
I left all my feelings behind
Left you behind…
