Bio Trash Mantra

the vertebrate retina - evolution's biggest "mistake".
several layers of cells carry visual information to the brain.
neurons also act as optical fibres for the rods and cones.
support the bed of neurons from human eye cells to model the workings of the retina.
Pentagram Papers inside the eye leaking wavelengths of the visible spectrum to a greater extent.
colours in focus from head of a hammerhead leave chemical marks of post-traumatic stress disorder.
too much coffee from the immortal design studio.
"experimental data of the Muller cells", says Riboc.
The most kick-ass fish in the sea is the theory that our exceptional brainpower arose through evolutionary for mutual benefit of an absent-minded and sometimes made innocent errors.
inactivate the detection mechanism of the pro-social humans that we learned through experience.
technical problem is THE latest weapon in the war.
Drug Administration rejects in harvesting a patient's immune cells and "primed" cells.
they attack tumours then get re-injected into the patient and shows that harnessing of the immune system that expects similar approaches such as melanoma, kidney cancer and lymphoma, they are common mutations in the DNA of mitochondria.
