Maшина Времени - Однажды мир прогнётся... English

I wouldn’t do a thing that could be simply absurd
But neither want a mood to be blue.
If you would only follow an instinctual herd
You will not catch ever a cue.
I ‘ll tell you if you get once again on a board
And spend with me a minute or few:
It ain’t worth to bend over to a changeable world.
It’s better when it bends toward you.
One day it will . . .

I gonna take inside a bit of my antidote.
I feel already being like new.
Again I'm heading to the nearest airport.
I’m waving hands (while) saying adieu.
I don't believe as well (thus far) in our Lord
Although perhaps I should be in lieu . . .
It ain’t worth to bend over to a changeable world.
It’s better when it bends toward you.

If you became mature and are not very old
This credo should be ringing a clue.
Along with my guitar’s a latest solo accord,
Let’s pay the respect which is due.
To figure value of each written and spoken word
You gotta share either that view:
It ain’t worth to bend over to a changeable world.
It’s better when it bends toward you.

And one day, maybe, this song will be sung by a bird.
I said at last some stuff that I knew.
It ain’t worth to bend over to a changeable world.
It’s better when it bends toward you.
One day it will bend toward you.

this is good but it's not really a translation, it's more of a very loose rendition of the original. perhaps the message is relayed pretty correctly, but it really is more of a 'peredelka' or 'variaciya' than 'perevod'. in my opinion

Лорд Брайтон   17.05.2023 22:27     Заявить о нарушении
of course
I put in the wrong section

Эдуард Лейтман   17.05.2023 22:39   Заявить о нарушении
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