The Loss

                about veteran of the war who has Post-Traumatic
                Stress Disorder and Survivor Guilt

The war in my mind will never go away
I have again and again nightmares.
Lost and alone, I cry,
I feel empty; I want to die.

I awake at night all in a cold sweat:
You are again with me, young soldier.
You, who protected me at war and died.
I feel guilty: you never will be older...

Why am I alive and not you? Why?
You will never know how it hurt.
I feel guilty that I didn't say "Goodbye"
I silently scream like a wounded bird.

The war in my mind will never go away.
My heart the war has stolen.
I am lost and empty; I am a war's prey.
Pain in my soul will forever stay.

Very frank and deeply felt lines, Lidya! Not bad at all! My suggestions (which you can accept or not) will follow.

With best wishes,

Валерий Шувалов   18.05.2010 23:57     Заявить о нарушении
Valery! Thank You So Much for your help! It was my first poem in English. I am glad that you like it.

Лидия Бор   20.05.2010 04:38   Заявить о нарушении
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