The Heart of Stone
("The Rolling Stones")
О, душа, стань холодной как ветер,
Что пронзает тело насквозь,
Выметая память о лете,
Превращая тепло в мороз.
Сердце, стань холодным как камень,
Как гранит на реке Неве,
Когда скована она льдами,
Не мечтая еще о весне.
Будет сердце алмаза крепче,
Ты уйдешь, и тогда, может быть,
Мне дышать станет чуточку легче,
И смогу я тебя забыть...
Свидетельство о публикации №110041301006
it's so beautyful - the poem.. just perfect..
meantime.. those people to leave us - maybe, it's just a way of theirs? - a traectory of their own?
because of some .. heartbreakers?
I would even insist - we should take care of our feelings much more than about having their casual reasons nearby..
is it unusual? - is self-sacrificing more of habit?.. let's make our choice freely..
Дмитрий Краев Рэм 23.04.2010 10:08 Заявить о нарушении
Наталья Куори 23.04.2010 20:18 Заявить о нарушении
sould agree with you, with pleasure ))
then - no movement, sort of usual lonelyness from one side & feelings opened to the world around from other side
taking care of your feelings - they come as a spring, holyday, blossoming.. the reason of this celebration might not be in a course of all of it.. or opposit - might be just wishing to enjoy himself with you & say goodbye.. let's not bury those feelings with that heartbreaker's leaving.. it deserves better..
Дмитрий Краев Рэм 24.04.2010 13:59 Заявить о нарушении