The evening sky is gold and vast... Akhmatova

The evening sky is gold and vast.
I’m soothed by April’s cool caress.
You’re late. Too many years have passed, -
I’m glad to see you, nonetheless.

Come closer, sit here by my side,
Be gentle with me, treat me kind:
This old blue notebook – look inside –
I wrote these poems as a child.

Forgive me that I felt forsaken,
That grief and angst was all I knew.
Forgive me that I kept mistaking
Too many other men for you.



Широк и желт вечерний свет,
Нежна апрельская прохлада.
Ты опоздал на много лет,
Но все-таки тебе я рада.

Сюда ко мне поближе сядь,
Гляди веселыми глазами:
Вот эта синяя тетрадь -
С моими детскими стихами.

Прости, что я жила скорбя
И солнцу радовалась мало.
Прости, прости, что за тебя
Я слишком многих принимала.


Very, very beautiful! Most importantly, you have managed to express the simple and bare feeling that is so amazing in Akhmatova's poetry!
This is the first time I'm visiting your page, and I've also checked out your other website where you seem to have many more translations of some poets.

You do very nice work! I'll definitely stop by again!!!

I translate poetry as well, and I know what you mean when you say:
"I find it amazing that there are those of you out there who find some value in my words." I feel the exact same way! But you know, there IS value in your words!

Евгения Саркисьянц   19.01.2011 01:28     Заявить о нарушении
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