Three Variations


Especially from up high, the eye adores
This city, from a distance, in the evening
And life is wonderful again, - although, of course,
The last few times have proved to be deceiving.
Have I gone mad or is this love? I cannot say…
No matter what it is, this time I’m certain
That not a thing will change from day to day,
And every time I pull aside the curtains,
I feel convinced that I will recognize
The scenery unchanged. To put it loosely,
I will not miss much if I close my eyes,
As one might do when listening to music…


Especially from up high, the eye adores
This city, from a distance, in the evening…
I lay beside you and I hear your breathing,
I watch you sleeping and I’m short of words.
Have I gone mad or is this love? I cannot say…
No matter what it is, this time I’m certain
That any choice I make is inadvertent.
I know that life is predetermined in some way.
I feel convinced that I will recognize
The scenery unchanged. To put it loosely,
Somehow I know that I will never lose you
As we awake and watch the sun arise.


I watch you sleeping and I’m short of words.
I lay beside you and I hear your breathing,
And life is wonderful again, - although, of course,
The last few times have proved to be deceiving.
I know that life is predetermined in some way,
That any choice I make is inadvertent,
That not a thing will change from day to day,
And every time I pull aside the curtains
As we awake and watch the sun arise,
Somehow, I know that I will never lose you;
I will not miss much if I close my eyes,
As one might do when listening to music…

Just close your eyes and close you curtain.
Go to sleep and try to stop your sneezing.
Your music's stange and surely uncertain.
What's good about it is your breathing.

Павел Морозов Украина   29.04.2010 01:27     Заявить о нарушении
Where did you read about me sneezing?
My soul was weeping - I didn't cough.
You find my melody displeasing? -
Perhaps, your sense of rhythm's off.

Андрей Кнеллер   29.04.2010 06:14   Заявить о нарушении
Bravo, Andrey!

Рундель Ксения   24.05.2011 16:41   Заявить о нарушении