Personal Succubus


Falling strong interest in her
Fall in love after first meet
stand Still but bleed like a blur
Ready to kneel with gifts to her feet

Her murderous glance
frozen blood in veins
her plump ripe lips
burn a terrible heat
Her bewitching eyes
paralized my mind
common sense betrayed
She is not mankind

She compel me forget all past
She choose me guide in lust
See through me like the glass
She is my personal succubus


Presence in dreams every night
enslave me without resistance
But love Her more than life
Without Her in life no sense

If I have I'll give all my souls
For me godness for other demoness
She seduce me for intercourse
I'm victim in your hypnotize hands

She compel me forget all past
She choose me guide in lust
See through me like the glass
She is my personal succubus

07.04.2010             Max Godunoff
