Falling In Love With The Wind

I'm gonna be your moon,
Your sky, your pleasure,
I'm gonna touch the sun
To shine like sparcling treasure... 
And the trambling leaf 
At the top of an oak somewhere 
'S gonna tell you my simple dream,
That I'd like to share:
If I had a chance to become a wind
For a day or year,
I could touch your lips, I could hug your skin
And caress your hair...
Waterfalls of my soul will burst out on you
From the highest rock,
And will bring you back with the filling new
To the same old oak...
You will try to catch Impercaptable wind
In the calm dry air- 
Then you'll need it so much for the only wish 
To caress your hair...

Стихи стали словами к песне https://youtu.be/HJs_iDn9KJo?si=WPTX11OrsNK45rVW


Очень красиво. Так возвышенно.

Ирэна Семицветова   02.04.2010 17:30     Заявить о нарушении
И Вам спасибо.)

Анастасия Гассельблат   02.04.2010 21:23   Заявить о нарушении