Перевод. Дэйв Кроули. Мою тетрадку съел щенок
Сказал я, глядя в пол.
Но был учитель очень строг,
Несправедлив и зол.
Я вижу, мне не верит он,
И чтоб его пронять,
Я эту байку со щенком
Стал дальше сочинять:
«Щенок тетрадь мою порвал,
В кастрюлю положил,
Усердно все перемешал,
С фасолью потушил.
А после, хорошенько взбил
С яйцом и ветчиной
И в масле, как картошку фри,
Урок поджарил мой.
Листок с задачкою унёс
И в ступке истолок,
Добавил молотый овёс,
Гвоздику и чеснок.
Я отобрать тетрадь хотел,
Но он рычал, как лев.
И даже фартук он надел,
Ну прямо – повар-шеф!»
«И поварской колпак, поди?» –
Учитель проворчал –
«Ты, видно, не в себе. Сходи
Проверься у врача!»
Наверно, про щенка я зря
Учителю наврал –
Ведь нет собаки у меня,
Тетрадку КОТ порвал!
by Dave Crawley
"My doggy ate my homework,
He chewed it up", - I said
But when I offered my excuse
My teacher shook her head.
I saw this wasn`t going well,
I didn`t want to fail
Before she had a chance to talk,
I added to the tale:
"Before he ate,he took my work
And tossed it in a pot,
He simmered it with succotash
Till it was piping hot...
He scrambledup my science notes
With eggs and bacon strips.
Along with sauted spelling words
And baked potato chips.
He then took my arithmetic
And had it gently fried.
He broiled both my book reports
With pickles on the side.
He wore a doggy apron
As he cooked a notebook stew.
He barked when I objected.
There was nothing I could do".
"Did he wear a doggy chef hat?"
My teacher gave a scowl.
"He did," I said. "And taking it
Would only make him growl".
My teacher frowned, but then I said
As quickly as I could,
"He covered it with ketchup,
And he said it tasted good".
"A talking dog who likes to cook?"
My teacher had a fit.
She sent me to the office,
And that is where I sit.
Iguess I made a big mistake
In telling her all that.
Cause I don`t have a doggy.
It was eaten by my cat.
рис. Анны Лукьяновой
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С уважением,Елена
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