No one

No one can't save us from blinding light,
And never say about this sorrow,
No one can't help and drive away things, that called “night“,
And give one hope for tomorrow.
No one can't save us from blinding light…

No one can't look and see in our eyes
Some things, that yesterday broke our world,
But now they still it cannot realize,
That our hearts have own flame and they not cold.
No one never can't look in our eyes.

No one,
No one can't save us from whole Universe,
No one in Universe can't define sorrow,
I'll bow to you and say only few words –
Thank you for all, thank you… but know.

No one can't say to us “enough“,
And gather from the sky bright glows.
But doesn't need songs about big and pretty love,
No one in life love doesn't know.
No one can't say to us “enough“.
