Pictures of my unborn friends

Pictures of my unborn friends —
All torn up and worn up,
Their spiral swarm up-
rises and never ends,
Losing its trail in the skies.
I catch them with a safety net,
Their papery flesh and blood I covet,
When suddenly I realize
Those are not pictures at all,
Flattery of memory flattened their bodies.
Death who strides broad is
Charging many a toll.
The net gets entangled clockwise
In more and more sophisticated ways,
Till the cradle of a hanged cat sways
To and fro beneath my popping eyes.
And so I stay empty-handed,
In reverie lost,
In memory embossed,
Waiting for hunger or thirst —
Whichever comes first.

It's so upsetting that I won't able to understand it all without dictionary. I must get down to learning English after it was got up for a long time. My brain was boiling anyway, and now it seems to be bursting))

Наташа Шведова   07.09.2010 20:58     Заявить о нарушении
Your English is good, and it's a very important skill, so I wish you good luck on that. The best way to learn it is to watch movies and read books in English — that's how I basically learned it ;o)(o;

Мрак Низгин   07.09.2010 21:17   Заявить о нарушении
so do I) but i always panic, you know :)

Наташа Шведова   08.09.2010 12:19   Заявить о нарушении
Don't you give up :o)(o:

Мрак Низгин   08.09.2010 13:59   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.