My Four-Coloured World

I'd like to show you the world
where I live and dream alone.
I'd like to show you four colours of my life:
they are black, silver, red and white.

I'll open the door of my heart
and you'll see the light of the night...

Black is the colour of the darkness;
Silver is the colour of the moonlight;
Red is the colour of the fire
that burns in my heart;
White is the colour of my dreams
( And it seems that I'm always dreaming).

Black is the colour of my lost emotions;
Red is the colour of my love;
Silver is the colour of dangerous illusions;
White is the colour of my minds.

You see
that I live in the four-coloured world.

White is the colour of my fears:
I'm afraid to lose myself;
Silver is the colour of my tears:
I'm crying whem people kill my faith.

Black is the colour of my dresses;
Red is the colour of  my lips;
White is the colour of my face
That never knows the light of days.

Silver is the colour of autumn rains;
Red is the colour of  falling leaves;
White if the colour of the clouds;
Black is the colour of the trees.

White is the colour of the paper
where I'm writing this poem;
Black is the colour of the ink
which gives the life to these lines.
