A Strange Whisper In The Shadow

It's a whisper in the shadow
And it called my name.
I just wanted it to leave my marrow
And make it fade away.
But that strange voice
Didn't wish to leave,
So I had no choice
Than to listen to what it said to me:
"Be stronger!
Don't give up!
It's not your border,
You should just grasp!
It was just a little error
In choosing people whom to trust.
Let it be not your sorrow,
But those, who led to it so fast!
There's nothing else to do
Than to return to present life.
Try imagine all the new
That old ideals will bring tonight!"
And I believed that ancient maybe spirit,
Who called out my name.
From now for me every minute -
Is a breathing life after painful game.

I know she loves me,
I'm sure she grasps.
Just fancy knowing for a reason,
Which leads her to the other sides.
