Julia Shein Derivation of the Law of Optimism

  Julia Shein  Derivation of the Law of Optimism */

1. If your Ship crashed into Reefs of your Carelessness, -
                become  like Robinson Kruso
              of uninhabited  Island  of your          Soul…               
2. If your Ship crashed into Reefs of your Carelessness -
                remember, that all wise Advises
                have already given to Mankind
                for all Incidents
                long-long ago …

3. If your Ship crashed into Reefs of your Carelessness, -
                the Advices to survive yourself, chosen by you, -
                would become your own  Advices to the others
                some day…

4. If your Ship crashed into Reefs of your Carelessness, -
               think about what you could provoke your Fortune’s  Wrath

5. If your Ship crashed into Reefs of your Carelessness,
                it means you have chosen another Time,
                another Place of Destination,
                or  another Ship,
                than you should…
 and, - then:               

       If your Ship crashed into Reefs of your Imprudence,
                and you came through   the Wreck alive, -
                it means : Your God is  with You,
                and then, - Your Happy Ship will come  yet
                for the sake of Your Great Voyage…
*/ Out of my Cycle: “Out of Concoctions of the Scientist-Princess”
   /My Illuminations-Revelations/
