To no man I kneel

I pledge to you
The Time keeper
To grant me vision
Delve me deeper
Into the secrets of your womb
Behold your majesty inside
The universe immortal ride
The wind of changes fury tide
That gradually consume us all
Embrace in splendid downfall
The Reaper's stride and loud call
It's heard somewhere
Felt everywhere
And body shivers in disgust
Of being converted into dust
Be thrown in the faceless void
Spiritiously be dismembered
Consequently disintegrated
And here one sees
The vision of eternal soul
The really you and nothing foul
A sudden clarity descend
There's nothing you would like to mend
And no more time pouring sand
You dissoluted in infinity
Thus saving own personality
And world acquired your identity
No strife, no fire, no desire
No need to scorn or be a lier
A pure drop of the wayfinder
Became your undivided part
It crystalized into your heart.
