A piquant lore

A piquant lore –
in spills and spells,
the nascent hoar
and plangent bells.
It’s learnt by heart,
with ardent eyes
the killing art
of pledged for aye.
A trenchant sword
in peccant hands –
those pungent words
are firebrands
with lambent light
but mordant burns.
They writhe inside
and strike with spurns.
My latent dreams,
my dormant yells –
they are on stream
as cancer cells –
to blunt with smile
the errant calls
I’ve felt awhile
since bells lost tolls,
to bear the brunt
of lost in time,
run love through shunts,
and melt as rime.
The puissant cold
is nothing more
than getting old
all soaked in gore.
A blatant lie,
an arrant fool –
my ears well-nigh
a blah-cesspool.
Bombastic rants,
torrential snorts…
Where is my stance?
Should I retort?
This is my turf,
my salient
in every curve
in every dent
I sense and nib,
dyed in a blue…
Behind my ribs
a bird’s-eye view.

February 19, 2010

Copyright ©2010 Iouri Lazirko

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