

It doesn’t shock me when they lie –
I’ve seen it many times already.
No wonder that they all will die –
Unwilling, sinful and unready.

It doesn’t puzzle me at all
To see them, brother hating brother,
Trying to build themselves a wall,
And stealing stones from each other…

However it’s a big surprise
To meet an island on the river,
With branches reaching for the skies
And dam constructed by a beaver.
To see the sparrows bringing food
To their chirping sons and daughters,
Or glaring moon in misty mood,
Above the faraway sea waters.

Surprise me like the wings of dove,
Like beam of light, like sun that rises,
Bring tiny drop of pure love,
Which is the best of all surprises…

Well done! Respect!

Ирина Минаева   20.03.2010 23:53     Заявить о нарушении
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