Julia Shein My Magician! - Yours

Julia Shein  My Magician! - Yours*/

1. You gave me as  a  Gift

2. ……………. Your only Gift of my Perception

3. of our inseparable Bond

4. from Heart-to-Heart

5. –  Star-to-Star in our Home- Universe!
………………………………………. Yours – Forever
__________________________________________________ 14.02.10
*/ My Cycles of my MIR-PIR together with You: 

  ПИР -PIR – Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations:
     - Поэзия Озарений и Откровений

     / Мир?/-  МИР – MIR – Music of Insight & Revelations:
      - Музыка  Озарений и Откровений
