Роберт Геррик. Н-78 О розах
Покров прозрачный из батиста
Над колыханьем роз душистых;
Уютно им, - среди холмов
Обитель райская цветов;
Свежей стыдливых роз бутоны,
Чем луг, дождями оживлённый;
И груди Юлии моей –
Тепло и влага вешних дней –
Во благо розам в упоенье
Им дарят вечное цветенье.
Robert Herrick
Under a lawn, than skies more clear,
Some ruffled Roses nestling were,
And snugging there, they seem'd to lie
As in a flowery nunnery;
They blush'd, and look'd more fresh than flowers
Quickened of late by pearly showers;
And all, because they were possest
But of the heat of Julia's breast,
Which, as a warm and moisten'd spring,
Gave them their ever-flourishing.
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