Julia Shein With your Star Rising in my Heart

Julia Shein   With your Star Rising in my Heart*/

1.  I have gone so far
…………………….. from my Starting Point
……………………………………of my Courage
…………..on the very Brink of my Abyss–in-two-Springs-long…

2.  I have gone so far
………………………..from the Stumbling Block
……………………………………of my Past Life’s Treasures…

3.  I have gone so far
……………………….. out of the Vicious Circle
………………………………….. of another People,
…………………………………………..of another Deeds,
……………………………………………….of the others’ Fuss…

4.  I have gone too far
…………………………from the Skyline - Planet
…......................of my First Steps – “over” and “beyond”
………………………………………………… common Vision…

5. … to reveal
……………. my Multidimensional World
…………………….of my “All-in-All” – Heights, -
……… - MIR-PIR of my realised Swan’s Songs to You, -
…………………….on my Orbit - of –Your- Orbit,
………………………………………................... my Star,
……………………………………………....................– my Light,
……………………………………………………….................. - my Love!

*/ Out of my Cycle: “To my Guiding Star” / into my “5D-Space”/
/ “Swan’s Songs”/

 ПИР - PIR – Poetry of Illuminations & Revelation
  -   Поэзия Озарений  и Откровений
 МИР -MIR – Music of Insights & Revelations
   -   Музыка Озарений  и Откровений
