Julia Shein Your Flower-without-Words

Julia Shein    By your Flower-silent Prayer*/

1. “Here it is” – over and over again, -
…………Any your Flower is my Bloom,

2. .………………… - my Look
…………………………….. - my Light
………………………………... of my Candle, -

3. – my luminous Heart
..........................- Torch of my Home-World, -

4. to become my next Revelations’ Overtone
................................. on my Orbit of my God-Star

5. in our Song–without-Words
………………………….to save our World-Peace
………………………….. by our own Magic-Prayer!
*/Out of my Cycle “Here it is “ -  “ My Revelations”

PIR – Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations
MIR – Music of Insights & Revelations
