Whatever Comes

                To Tanner

Whatever comes…  Whoever knows…
A wind that heals, a wind that blows!
Let me reflect on that and those
Whom I HAVE worshipped, verse or prose…
And thorns in flesh let me dispose
As precious moments, sloe or rose…
And nothing more as fateful goes,
And nevermore the heartache shows –
My silent whines, and weeps, and woes
Bereave you of your clasping snows –
IT slows…  and stops… and gasps… and goes.
YOUR heart, betwixt THE friends and foes;
Beyond the seas and endless rows
Of hundreds ‘faces…  doves and crows…

Such is the fate that Love bestows
On you – whatever Life may pose.

S o   m a n   w o u l d   r e a p   a s   h e   m i g h t   s o w.

