tea time

I drink mint chocolate with cold water and smell of childhood from the glass.
You smile quite angularly and sort of collect small leaves of tea to pass
them to me with breathless laughter and warmth of eyes – clear icy lakes.
 Your hands are white and a little rough and you are the one of them all who makes
me feel like I am a child. I see first snow in the frozen wind
and shot my eyelids. The world is wild in colored paintings, flakes and hint
on the beginning of fairy story. I drink my tea, believe in the sky.
Those clouds run in the name of glory so later probably they’ll apply
for something different, maybe horses. From clouds horses become so wise.
Then their gallop in someone causes an inspiration to sacrifice
A piece of apple and add a cookie. I’ll draw their noses on the wall.
I want you later to come, and look at all those riddles I’d like to call
“My pictures” or my “beloved perversion”. I know you grin at me when I sleep.
You are a shadow, my secret version. Leave me four words in the book to keep:
“I will remember you.”

Виктория, интересное стихотворение, теплое, но читается тяжеловато...Возможно ли его немного по-другому написать, не сплошным текстом? C уважением и наилучшими пожеланиями. Оксана

Оксана Соловьева   28.01.2010 19:03     Заявить о нарушении