The world of no trust...

I love being alone!
Yes, I'm on my own...
But my heart isn't stone;
And it's a pity for me,
Cause, you can see,
People are cruel,
And this world is full
Of lie...
Friendship and love
Are only dreams!
I've known it since
My childhood...
And I should
Not trust!
I must
Never trust...

(23rd September, 2009)

You just shouldn't think this way on your own.There were people around who really loved you and cared about you but your attitude sometimes is weird and hard to understand. And even if world is full of lies, there are a lot of really good friends around. That's what we call BFF...And Friendship is not a dream-it exists, we just need to open ourselves for it; even if it's hard, even if it hurts a lot sometimes. That doesn't really matter how bad the things sometimes are; it's more about our view on this life. Think positive, hon!!!!

Светлый Ангел Во Тьме   08.04.2010 21:03     Заявить о нарушении
I love you, thank you for your kind words)))

Катя Сенатская   18.05.2010 22:40   Заявить о нарушении