The night is knocking at the door...

The night is knocking at the door,
The lights of day are growing dim,
The lonely girl alone at home –
She's thinking of the coming dream.

She's knowing that an hour later,
When all the country goes to bed,
She will be straight in one position,
Depressed and shamed and bit and sad.

She has no strength to go to future,
She has no dreams to realize,
She has no one to share her bitterness,
She knows – her heart just slowly dies.

He was her all. Her everything.
Her dreams, her wishes – all her life.
He was her Earth, her Moon, her nature –
All that she wanted – be his wife.

The day has come: the sun and smiles
Were bright'ning everything around.
She was so happy!... But occasion
Has put her “sweety” down the ground...

The Earth has turned. He's gone for ever!
How could believe she in this fright?!
He's gone! He'll no more be there –
No hand will hug her in the night...

Since that each day is passing similar,
Each night she's staring at the wall
And presses tight in her cold fingers
Receiver – waiting: should he call?

The nights are passing on and over
But sorrow'll never leave her there,
She will be counting down the minutes
Until becomes she just the air...

На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.

В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →