Spiritual Twins

It looks like something different:
Can you explain why
Your interests and my interests
Are completely same?!
It's unique chance for us:
Among the millions of people
We've met each other.
I can say:
God made this miracle.

I know, that someone loves you;
Maybe, someone loves me.
I am on the distance of your
thought about me.
You call me, I will come with you
As we are friends.
You're in my heart, and
Our friendship never ends.

The time we spend together
Are the happiest moments
For both of us. And our relation
Needs no comments!
Romeo and Juliet's story
Cannot be compared
With our spiritual twinsip.
Let it be like that!

Every minute I'm thinking of you...

Friends are like stars:
Not everytime
you can see them.
But you can know that they are
Always there.
And this is one of finest
Sort of freedom.
No matter if you're far from them:
They always care.

Spiritual twins! No matter if
Someone loves you;
I am on the distance of your
thought about me.
You call me, I will come with you
As we are friends.
You're in my heart, and
Our friendship never ends.
